Step One
To become a Forest Schools Practitioner, you will attend an initial week of training. Here we focus on the ethos and approach that Forest Schools takes towards achieving personal, social and emotional life skills needed towards the goal of connecting children with nature. Along with this we will guide you through the practical skills and develop your understanding of working in the outdoors. We will also provide you with a structure in which to develop your own Forest Schools programme.
Step Two
Following your initial Training Week, you will create a pilot programme to explore and develop your understanding of Forest Schools. During this time, you will practice the skills we have trained you in and build your confidence in working with nature. During this time, you will also be putting together a series of reflections and thoughts on the various elements of Forest Schools as well as researching into areas introduced during your initial week in more detail.
Throughout your training, you will be able to access our trainers for support. From helping you complete the evidence to checking over work that you are working on, as well as helping you make decisions on your pilot programme, based on our many years of experience with Forest Schools, we are available to support you during your Forest Schools journey.
Step Three
You will then return to us for an additional training period where we help you review your development and provide any support that would help you develop along your Forest Schools journey. We will help you review your developing knowledge and understanding whilst providing next steps towards completing your qualification.
Step Four
The final step is to then submit your evidence, collected during your initial week, pilot programme and progression week, that we will then review and work with you to finalise your qualification before being awarded the Forest Schools Practitioner status.
Step Five
Once qualified you are then able to explore the Quality Assurance process that is designed to help your organisation develop it’s Forest Schools practice over the following years, as well as help identify how to nurture even more inspirational opportunities towards lifelong development.